Believe me, if we had a definitive answer, we'd give you one. We're just not sure. It keeps snowing! Seriously, more snow fell overnight, and temperatures plummeted. It felt much closer to winter than it did summer. Here's what it looked like from the base this afternoon:

As you can see, buds on the trees but snow on the mountain. Winter is slowly releasing its grip. Very slowly.
All that being said, we're going to remain closed this week, but reopen on the weekend. We will at least be open to Winter Cutoff still, and the views from there have been spectacular. People have been surprised what a great trip even the abbreviated route provides.
When will we reach the summit? Honestly, it could be this weekend. A lot will depend on the weather this week. Right now, next weekend looks more realistic, but, again, no guarantee. Be sure to check our Early Season Operating Notes for all our operational details.
My plan is to head up on Thursday to get more pics and video, so stay tuned for that, too.
- Ryan
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